Ultimate Beginner’s Guide to Kali Linux on osbooter.com

  1. Nmap for Network Discovery
    • Command: nmap -sV -p 22,80,443
    • Use-case: Scans specific ports on a target IP for services and versions.
  2. Wireshark for Packet Analysis
    • Tip: Start with capturing packets on your local network and analyze common protocols.
  3. Metasploit for Exploitation
    • Example: Use msfconsole to launch simulated attacks (in a controlled environment) to understand vulnerabilities.
  4. Aircrack-ng for Wi-Fi Security Testing
    • Task: Monitor Wi-Fi networks and attempt password cracking (on your network) to understand security flaws.
  5. Burp Suite for Web App Testing
    • Action: Set up a proxy for your browser and analyze web application traffic.
  6. John the Ripper for Password Cracking
    • Command: john --format=raw-md5 hash.txt
    • Scenario: Use for understanding password strength and complexity.
  7. SQLmap for Database Vulnerability Scanning
    • Usage: Automate SQL injection detection and database takeover.

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