Setting up CAPsMAN and CAPs

This guide will help you set up a CAPsMAN and CAPs network. CAPsMAN (Controlled Access Point system Manager) is a package used to manage multiple wireless access points in a network.

Step 1: Setting up the CAPsMAN

First, you need to set up the CAPsMAN on the router. This can be done by following these steps:

  1. Connect to the router via WinBox
  2. Go to the “CAPsMAN” menu
  3. Click on “Configuration”
  4. Click on “Add”
  5. Set the “Name” of the configuration
  6. Choose the “Channel width”
  7. Set the “Frequency”
  8. Set the “SSID”
  9. Set the “Security profile”

Step 2: Setting up the CAPs

After setting up the CAPsMAN, the next step is to set up the CAPs. This can be done by following these steps:

  1. Connect the CAP to the network
  2. Connect to the CAP via WinBox
  3. Go to the “CAPsMAN” menu
  4. Click on “Registration”
  5. Choose the CAPsMAN configuration you created in step 1
  6. Click on “Register”

Step 3: Verifying the Connection

Finally, you need to verify the connection between the CAPsMAN and the CAPs. This can be done by following these steps:

  1. Go to the “Wireless” menu on the CAPsMAN
  2. Click on the “Registration Table” tab
  3. Verify that the CAP is listed in the table

With these steps, you should now have a functioning CAPsMAN and CAPs network.

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